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Qovoltis, Borne de recharge pour voiture électrique

our FAQ

General Information Companies Condominiums Individual houses
How does optimized charging work?

The Qovoltis charger automatically adapts its charging power based on the power available. This provides the maximum power for charging, and guarantees the safety of the electrical installation.

You can choose between two ways to recharge your vehicle:

  • The “fast” mode, in which charging is immediately started at the highest available power so that it is completed as quickly as possible.
  • The “optimized” mode in which you choose the time at which your vehicle is to be charged and the expected charge level. Charging is then controlled automatically to deliver the desired charge while optimizing cost.
What is the Qovoltis mobile application for?

The Qovoltis mobile application includes many features including:

  • User authentication on a Qovoltis charging station to access the service
  • Remote control of your vehicle charging – including changing the charging parameters or stopping a charge in progress
  • Finding shared charging stations near you
  • Management of your Qovoltis account (access to your parameters, charging history, statistics and invoices).
Who installs the charger?

The installation of the charging station is carried out by Qovoltis approved installers.

How long will it take to fully charge my vehicle when it is empty?

Charging time depends on your vehicle battery size and the power supply.

The Qovoltis charging station allows charging at up to 22 kW/h on a three-phase electrical circuit, or up to 7,4 kW/h on a single-phase electrical circuit, which is the maximum in alternating current. 

Examples – for charging a 50 kWh vehicle battery from 0% to 100%:

  • With a 22 kW three-phase power source, charging can be completed in less than 2 hours & 30 min.
  • With a 7.4 kW single-phase power source, charging can be completed in less than 7 hours.
Are Qovoltis chargers compatible with all electric vehicles?

Yes, the Qovoltis chargers use a T2S socket (Type 2 with shutters) which is the European standard.

All consumer electric and rechargeable hybrid vehicles are therefore compatible with Qovoltis charging stations.

What are the advantages of the Qovoltis charger?

The Qovoltis charger makes it easy to:

  • Quickly charge your vehicle
  • Optimize your electricity costs for charging your vehicle
  • Remotely manage charging at any time – using the SmartCharging features embedded in all Qovoltis chargers
  • Guarantee the proper functioning of your charger at all times thanks to 24/7 supervision
  • Ensure total electrical safety
  • Use a sustainable solution that takes advantage of the latest technical developments

The Qovoltis charging station is one of the few solutions on the market that fully complies with the requirements of the IEC 61851 standard for charging electric vehicles.

What type of electric vehicle charger does Qovoltis offer?

Qovoltis offers two models of chargers, depending on the configuration of your parking space:

  • A wall-mounted version “QoBox” that can be fixed to the wall.
  • A floor-mounted version “QoBox Totem”, which is fixed to the floor, allowing it to be installed in a parking space that does not have a wall in the immediate vicinity.

Qovoltis chargers are intended for electric and rechargeable hybrid vehicles. They deliver a maximum charging power of 7,4 kW on a single-phase power grid (individuals) and 22 kW on a three-phase power grid (residential or business building).

This power enables fast charging of vehicles, with for example recharging about 100 km in 45 minutes, using a three-phase power supply.

Who owns the charger?

Two configurations are possible:

  • A company, building, or individual may purchase a charger and pay for installation, in which case they will own the charger.
  • Alternatively, Qovoltis will install and own the charger – charging users for service.
What types of services does Qovoltis offer to companies and their employees?

Qovoltis supports companies and individuals with two service options:

  • For regular use of services, Qovoltis offers a monthly subscription – allowing unlimited access without connection fees to all publicly available Qovoltis charging stations.
  • For occasional use of services, Qovoltis offers access without a subscription that includes connection fees for use of publicly available Qovoltis charging stations.

In both cases, charging is billed according to the amount of electricity delivered to the vehicle.

How do I get a charging point installed in my company car park?

Installation in a company car park should be coordinated with building management:

  • The company or building manager should contact Qovoltis to request installation
  • Qovoltis will review the site and schedule installation

Scheduling an initial installation typically takes 2 to 3 months. Subsequent installations are faster, typically within 15 days.

Is it necessary to provide a space dedicated to charging electric vehicles within the condominium?

No, Qovoltis charging stations can be installed at any parking space (private and open to the public).

Who owns the charger in a condominium?

Ownership of the charger depends on who pays for the station and installation. This may be the building, individual unit owners, tenants, or Qovoltis.

Can the tenant of my apartment subscribe to a Qovoltis service offer?

If you have had a Qovoltis charger installed at your parking space, your tenant can benefit from the use of the charger by subscribing to Qovoltis services directly. The costs of using Qovoltis services will be at his or her expense.

Can a tenant in my apartment have a charger installed?

Yes, the tenant can have a Qovolits charging station installed at his or her own expense, provided that he obtains your signed agreement and that you agree to make the request to the building association.

Does the installation of Qovoltis chargers have an impact on the operating costs of the condominium?

No. Qovoltis manages the infrastructure dedicated to charging and provides 24/7 support. No operating fees are charged to building management or associations. Only the initial costs of installing the electrical infrastructure will be charged to the building or association.

In addition, the Qovoltis solution works completely independently of the common electrical meter. The condominium therefore does not need to allocate or bill for electrical consumption related to vehicle charging.

Who takes care of the different stages of the installation request in a condominium?

Once you have completed the installation request form, Qovoltis will prepare the installation file for the association. Once the project has been approved, Qovoltis will proceed with a detailed site study and installation.

Will the charger trigger circuit breakers?

The Qovoltis charging station is the only charging station for electric vehicles that automatically adapts the vehicle’s charging power in real time, taking into account the current domestic uses on your home electrical circuit, regardless of the electrical meter and power supplier.

The user thus benefits from the maximum power available at all times in order to charge the vehicle without the risk of overwhelming the electrical installation.

Do I also have to pay Qovoltis for the use of electricity?

No. You only pay Qovoltis the monthly subscription related to the services provided by Qovoltis: management of charging via the Qovoltis mobile application, maintenance and supervision of the charger, technical assistance, optimization of energy use.

Actual electricity consumption will be part of your household electrical consumption, and billed by your electricity supplier.

Who owns the charger?

You purchase a Qovoltis charging point, so you are the owner.